Monday, July 18, 2005


There's this one person on my team that for the last week has been coming in at 7:00 am (I get in at 7:30 and the rest of the team comes in somewhere between 8:45 and 9:00).

So she's been "gloating" that "Oh I've been getting here before all of you this week." blah blah blah.

But THEN, this morning, she sends me an email, questioning me about something that she KNOWS I don't know the answer to because it's not my issue, so I just reply back as such. Then the next email from her is questioning a report that I pull everyday (before anyone gets here) and starts questioning me about it, why is this here, what is that there, I don't understand, wha wha wha! So I patiently reply back that the way the data arrives is different than how I format it, and if she can give me 15 minutes right after I get here on a Monday morning, I would be glad to give her the correct report.

Oh it's gonna be a bad week!

Happy Monday to you!


Katya Coldheart said...

dont you just despise people like that...have they really got nothing better to do...

:0) hope your week gets better...

Andrea Knapp said...

Yeah, I'm hoping you have a better week! God I really get annoyed with people like that!

Nickle Annie said...

To use Andi's word, What a doilem! (Hope I used that in the right context, LOL!) Hope your day is going better today! :)